Thursday, October 25, 2012

Educational Program of the HRND of Siem Reap

The Education Program of the Human Resource and Natural Development (HRND) NGO of Siem Reap in Cambodia is to educate the rural population of the Siem Reap province of Cambodia.
This Educational Program is designed to benefit all the people of the village. This has been the goal all along and will remain throughout.

The parents of the villages must be educated in agriculture and environment issues along with cultural and social studies. They must understand the necessity and value of retaining their culture and traditions while also integrating the new. They must also understand the need for their children to be educated.

In an area were education is seen as a waste of time and money, the Human Resource and Natural Development Organisation of Siem Reap hopes to show how it will benefit the village as a community and Cambodia as a society. Children have a right to an education, but more importantly they have a right to their own childhood, by helping, you will not only provide an opportunity for the children to have a future but also an opportunity for them to have a childhood.

What is needed in order for the program to be successful is dedicated people on the field, money to setup structures, time to heal wounds and understanding.

By educating the people of the village, the peoples involved at the Human Resource and Natural Development NGO of Siem Reap are hoping that they will become self-sufficient. So money is needed to build the schools and pay the teachers. It is needed to provide books, pencils and learning material for the children. Money is needed to provide tools and knowledge for the adults to learn how to effectively and efficiently farm their land. Money is needed to promote health and safety awareness not just in the work place but also in the community. And lastly, money is needed not because they deserve it but because they were robbed of it. Robbed of schools, books and knowledge. Robbed of their right to think, read and write.

Time is always needed to heal wounds. These wounds are the worst kind. Wounds inflicted by their own government. Psychological wounds that take time to heal. But the Khmers are strong people and they look to a bright future for their country. But time is needed in order for the program to be effective. How long depends again on your help.

You must understand that for nearly thirty years this country was thorn apart. Try to imagine any upstanding citizen in your community, with a good education and a good job. Imagine they are married with kids. Now think of how much the children learn from their parents. Think of all the knowledge the children learn from their parents, thinks like reading and writing, nursery rhymes, playing games. Try and think of your own childhood and the fun you had with your parents, the places you went to, the joy you experienced when you achieved something special. Now try and imagine all of it stripped away from you, no books, no school, no games, no life. Growing up suppressed, afraid to educate yourself, afraid to speak your mind. Now this is Cambodia.

The team and dedicated people of the Human Resource and Natural Development Non-Profit Organisation here in Siem Reap, Cambodia are looking to make sure the following Education Program is running well and that all operations are under control. Thanks to various donations received so far.
The curriculum follows the Ministry of Education Program from Grade 1 to 6. It is for primary school students and the subjects for the 6 years are as follows:
  1. Khmer language
  2. Social Studies
  3. Mathematics
  4. Applied Science
  5. English
With such an Education Program, the goal of the Human Resource and Natural Development (HRND) NGO of Siem Reap is to help all the people of the Cambodian villages.

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